March Newsletter 2015
Group Fitness Building Update
We are on an official countdown of our new group fitness building opening! Our wide variety of classes will be made available to you in the coming month! Stay tuned for an opening day fitness event date and our schedule of classes!
Glass Policy
For safety purposes, no glass is allowed on our around the pool areas including the upper barbeque area. If you have glass beverages please check them in at the Pool House and we can provide you with plastic cups to enjoy your beverages in.
Lane Etiquette: How to share a lane for swimming.
With spring right around the corner, the pool is sure to see more lap swimmers. It is nice to have the lane all to yourself, but sharing a lane can be easy and safe if you follow these guidelines:
1. If there is already a swimmer in the lane, get their attention before getting in. To get the attention of a swimmer who is not stopping at the walls, stand in the shallow end so they can see your legs.
2. Ask the swimmer which side of the lane they would like. You will be "splitting the lane" by using the black line at the bottom of the pool as a dividing line. Each swimmer can swim at their own pace without worry of being in the other swimmer's way.
3. If you are joining a lane that already has two swimmers in it, get the attention of both swimmers before getting in. You will be "circle swimming" by staying to the right of the black line as you swim your laps in a counter-clockwise direction.
Circle swimming works great if all of the swimmers are the same speed, but this is rarely the case. Here are some helpful tips on how to circle swim with swimmers of varying speeds:
1. Start by letting the fastest swimmer go first and the slowest go last.
2. If you catch up to the swimmer in front of you, gently touch their foot to alert them that you would like to pass. The swimmer who is to be passed will pause at the next wall and allow you to pass. For safety, please avoid passing in the middle of a lap.
3. Communicate with your lane mates if you are resting at the wall so they know they can swim on. A quick, "Go ahead." or wave of the hand is all that is needed.
4. Rest in the far corner of your lane at the intersection of the wall and the lane-line to make room for swimmers doing flip turns at the wall (rest areas are indicated by stars on the circle swimming chart).
By following these guidelines, we will ensure safe lap swimming for all of our pool users. Keep swimming, stay safe, and have fun!
Coach Jen
We will now keep lost and found goggles in the toy chest near the small pool. If you accidentally left your goggles at the pool, our staff will place them in the toy chest for your retrieval. Many goggles look the same, so please be careful not to take goggles that do not belong to you. Using a permanent marker to write your name or initials on your goggles is a great way to personalize them and make them stand out from all of the other look-a-likes.
“Puzzles & Popcorn”
April is puzzle month in the clubhouse! There will be ongoing puzzles set up in the clubhouse throughout the month. njoy some puzzle time and complimentary popcorn all month long!
Core Stabilization
Jessica Goodwin
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Women’s Fitness Specialist
Corrective Exercise
[email protected]
The core is often referred to as our center and something we all need to be aware of and stabilize when working toward a success and injury free training/fitness program. Core stability refers to the ability to stabilize our spine and body during movement, in particular the bodily region bounded by the diaphragm, abdominal wall corset and the pelvic floor. There are three major muscle groups that you should be aware of when working to stabilize your core:- Diaphram
- Abdominal Wall Corset
- Pelvic floor
When we inhale our diaphragm drops down and out, compressing our abdominal contents and increasing intra-abdominal pressure. Most of us are use to using our chest to inhale. By increasing the intra-abdominal pressure (breathing low), the act of breathing through movement helps to create stabilization for the spine and pelvis. It is very important to concentrate on this type of breathing to help lift with proper biomechanics or posture. It is a breathing pattern that we are so far from but need to concentrate on when working our core.
For more information about this and other exercise programs please contact our personal training staff,
Nicki Hurford, Jessica Goodwin or Tobin Shaeffer.
How to Fall in Love With Whole Foods
February 2, 2015
Have we fallen in love with convenient, processed foods? With busy schedules, fast-food restaurants on every corner, and an abundance of comfort foods available (even at the local Starbucks), it’s no wonder we opt for all those fatty, salty and sweet foods. It just tastes so good. And it’s so easy to get. Food manufactures know exactly how to get us “hooked” without us even knowing it, and many of us have lost the desire and taste buds for whole, unprocessed foods. It’s time to go back to the basics and rediscover a love for whole foods. It may not happen overnight, but with these tips you may just have a new love affair for healthy and tasty “real” food.
Add Flavor With Spices and Herbs
Put down the salt shaker and start enhancing the flavor of your food with spices and fresh herbs. Not only do herbs and spices taste good, they are loaded with anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Turmeric, for example, is made from the turmeric root and often found in curry dishes. It also happens to be a powerful anticancer agent. Cinnamon (one of our favorites) can be added to any sweet or savory dish and gives both an earthy and sweet taste. Plus, cinnamon has been shown to help lower blood sugar in people who have diabetes or who are prediabetic. Fresh rosemary, thyme and oregano can be added to a pot of homemade chicken soup to help fight the common cold. Make sure to check the spices and dried herbs you keep in your pantry and buy new ones every six months as they lose flavor and potency over time (except salt and pepper, which last longer).
Shop Local and In Season for Fresh-tasting Produce
Do you have a farmer’s market near where you live or work? If so, make a trip there as soon as possible and check out what’s in season. Or check out websites like Natural Resources Defense Council and Epicurious, which provide information on what foods are in season in your area each month of the year.
Eating food that is locally grown and in season is less expensive and usually tastes much better than food that is grown in a hothouse or transported thousands of miles. Produce that comes from far away is usually picked unripe and transported in refrigerated containers, which affects its ability to properly ripen. Stick with local, seasonal food for better taste and to save money.
Healthy and Convenient?
There is something to be said about the benefits of pre-packaged foods. Sure, they’re easy and quick, but most packaged food is full of refined carbohydrates, sugar, bad fats and preservatives. Read the ingredient list and see what you find. If there's anything on that list that you can't pronounce, you probably shouldn't be eating it. Instead, make your own convenience foods that are healthy and tasty. The best snacks are a combination of protein and fiber as they work together to keep your blood sugar balanced and energy level higher for longer periods of time. Here are some ideas to get you started: an apple (or other seasonal fruit) with some almonds (or other nuts); veggies and hummus; black beans, quinoa, and salsa; a homemade muffin made with almond flour (for more protein and healthy fat); a snack-size baggie of mixed nuts, seeds and dried fruit; homemade egg salad; a container of Greek yogurt with some chia seeds and berries. Taking a little time each week to shop for ingredients and put them together into small packages will save you time and money during the week when you're on the go.
Turn Off Electronics and Tune Into Your Food
Everywhere we go, we see people on cell phones, laptops and tablets. We're wearing monitors that record every step, heart rate, calories burned and quality of sleep. And there's no turning back. While we're happy for all that technology brings us, there is a time and a place for it, and a time for turning it off. When you eat is a perfect time to turn off the computer, put down the cell phone and tune into your food and your body. Be present. Allow yourself to feel what hunger and fullness feels like. Distraction-free eating enables you to notice the flavors, texture and temperature of your food. And it allows you to eat at a slower, more relaxed pace. Not only will you be able to appreciate all the elements of your meal, you will walk away from that meal feeling more satisfied.
Reprinted from The American Council on Exercise
Tennis Updates
La Madrona Dinner in the Desert! For our club members travelling to the BNP Paribas Open, come meet up with our Tennis Director, Judy Newman to talk tennis at The Lavender Bistro in La Quinta from 6:30-8:30 on Wednesday, March 11. Please rsvp to Judy by leaving her a message in the clubhouse; showing up last-minute is ok too! All members and their guests are welcome.
March 14 is our "Whites & Woodies" Event in Celebration of Chuck's 91st Birthday! Come to Saturday's Drop-in from 9:00-11:00 am dressed in traditional tennis whites and we will provide you with classic wooden racquets and birthday cake to honor our legendary and beloved Chuck Jandreau in style. Chuck, the guest of honor, will make a personal appearance and bring his stories and pictures of his illustrious Las Vegas tennis exploits and adventures.
The USTA 18-Over Adult League Season begins March 30 and we want YOU to sign up on a team! Singles and doubles players of levels 3.0 through 4.5 will have a home team at La Madrona this season. The following teams have been registered by their captains: 4.5 men, Baron Bliss; 4.0 men (captain tba); 3.5 men, Dan Bolger; 4.5 women, combined with Imperial Courts, Jodi Andrews; 4.0 women, Janet Barber; two teams of 3.5 women, Jeanette Cook & Sarah Castro; and one team of 3.0 women, Jeanne Rosseau. Please be sure to contact Tennis Director, Judy Newman, or the captain directly to register onto a team.
Tennis Tip of the Month: Improve Your Game By Watching the Pros Move! There will be some great tennis this month on television with coverage of the up-coming BNP Paribas Open. For those of you lucky enough to watch in person, venture out to the practice courts to observe how they prepare for competition. First, note the warm-up routine with stretching and gentile hits to begin with. Then watch as they speed up their feet so that they can glide through every shot smoothly. You will never find a professional player stopping their feet during a point! Finally, notice how they take breaks in-between points and rallies to gather their energy and focus. Take their example and apply it to your game!
Valentine’s Day Drop In
Our Valentine’s Day Drop In morning tennis event was a success! Congrats to the winners shown below.
1st 2 photos: Molly and Christoph; 3rd, Clark, Jeanette, Kathy & Roger.