October Newsletter 2017
Swim Meet- Saturday, October 21st
From 8:30-12:30pm the entire lap pool and large 14 & over spa will be closed during the swim meet.Come cheer on our swim meet kiddos as they enjoy this fall season ending tradition!Fall Family Festival- Wednesday, October 25th
Wednesday, October 25th
Calling all families! The Club will turn into a carnival of fall fun on Wednesday, October 26th. Bring the kiddos and yourself to enjoy fun activities and games spread throughout the Club. There will be many prizes to win including: treats, guest passes, beverages, toys, and other fun items.
Participation in any of the Club programming (junior tennis, fitness, swim team, etc.) will earn tickets along with our special game booths. Come in a costume to earn tickets too!
Schedule of Activities
1-5pm Game booths & activities open
4pm Thriller Dance Performance
3-6pm Kids Black Light Dance Party (in group fitness room)
Fall Club Hours
Fall/Winter Hours beginning November 6th
Monday-Friday 6am-9pm
Saturday-Sunday 7am-8pm
Club Closed at 6pm on Halloween
Club Closed Thanksgiving Day
News from the Pools
Our La Madrona Fall Swim team is in Full swing! It’s the largest team we’ve ever had and the swimmers are enjoying making new friends! Our coaches enjoy working with the children on proper technique, building endurance, and having fun! We also have a new diving platform! Olympic Diver and La Madrona instructor Ariel Rittenhouse has been having a blast teaching some great new diving tricks. Our water polo team has also been practicing on Wednesdays. As they are learning the rules of the game, they are also learning how much fun it is and they are learning to work together as a team. Many new swimmers of all ages are building confidence during their private and semi-private lessons this fall. Learning to swim is a skill that is once learned, is rarely forgotten and it’s open to people of all ages!
Teaching the freestyle stroke to children requires alertness, patience and enthusiasm! Developing a good breathing technique is perhps the biggest challege for beginning and intermediate swimmers.
Pro Tip: Focus on your exhalation, not your inhalation. If you exhale under the water between breaths you only have to inhale when you go to breathe. This makes thing much easier.
The butterfly requires a very exact technique, strength, and rhythm. It does require a lot of practice to perfect it, but when you have it right, it’s one of the most rewarding and respected of the strokes.
Pro Tip: Avoid breathing on every stroke of the butterfly if possible. . Every time you lift your head out of the water to breathe, it slows you down slightly. Try to breathe every other stroke instead.
The breaststroke is also known as the “froggy” stroke because the movement resembles a frog swimming in the water. It is the most popular recreational style of swimming because once proper technique is learned; it does not require a lot of effort.
Pro Tip: Do not rush through the gliding phase as this is actually the fastest part of the stroke.
Backstroke, as its name suggests, the only one of the four competitive swimming strokes swum on the back.
Pro Tip: Don’t let your hips drop down too low, as this will slow you down. Try to keep your body close to the surface of the water.
Members at National
Hello members
Even though the weather is still astonishing, last week meant the end of the summer and the start of the best season of all, fall. I have to admit I was born in fall ;-)… In the past few weeks, we have all enjoyed new courts, new windscreens and shade structures and I want to thank everyone who took the time to let me know how they appreciated the facelift. I also want to thank those of you who come up to me with comments (positive or negative) and/or suggestions, I can guarantee it does not fall on a deaf ear, I am listening and taking notes. Keep them coming!
Fall is still busy with USTA leagues but most importantly, in a few weeks’ time, we have three of our members that will represent a local women’s 4.5 team at the USTA National Championship in Orlando. Jodie Andrews, Irene Cummings and Lynne Sheehan, we congratulate you on this incredible feat and wish you all the best at Nationals. If you see them around the club, please wish them the best of luck. Not that they need any…
Finally, in the next few months, we will be bringing some changes to our clinics if you have any suggestions, now is the time to voice your opinion on what you would like to see at the club. In the meantime, you can take a look at our October clinic calendar. (insert link)
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or suggestions you might have.
I will see you all on the courts
Junior Fitness Workshop
October 3rd-26th
Sports Conditioning & Injury Prevention
With Mark Gardner
Tuesday & Thursday 4:00-5:00pm
120 members ($144 non-members)
Workshop Details:
Designed for both athletes and non-athletes, ages 12-17
You will learn:
• Proper Weight Training Techniques
• Balance and Agility Exercises
• The importance of warm-up and cool down
• Flexibility and its effects on performance
*Register online or at the front desk. Space is limited!
La Madrona World Series starts October 23rd!
October 23rd we will begin our La Madrona World Series, a fundraising game, for all our members. Members will accumulate home runs through participating in actives in our tennis, swim and fitness departments and earn tickets into a weekly raffle. The game will run for 4 weeks and game cards can be purchased at our Club house at the start of each week. Each game card will be $5 and all proceeds will go to Second Harvest Food Bank. Members may receive a “FREE” game card each week if they donate a 1 bag of food. Our goal for the month will be to fill 2 barrels.
How to play the game:
- Purchase a game card at the Clubhouse each week (or make a food donation to receive your “free” game card.)
- The purchase of a card will provide you with one entry into the weekly drawing.
- Take your card with you to each department when you participate in a class, take a private lesson, or do a 30 minute workout on your own to earn a “base hit”.
- A staff member needs to mark the game card for each activity completed.
- Earn 4 “base hits” (home run) each week to earn an additional entry into the weekly drawing.
- “Grand Slam”- If you participate in one activity from each department (swim, fitness, tennis) within one week, you will receive 5 extra entries into the weekly drawing.
- At the end of each week, turn your game card into the clubhouse so that all “runs” can be counted and added to the weekly drawing.
- Every member who participates in the game will receive an entry into the grand prize drawing held at the end of the 4 weeks.
Trainer Spotlight
Mercedes Erdey
Mercedes has been a long time fitness enthusiast, helping people to achieve their lifestyle/health goals no matter what stage of life. She draws inspiration from her own journey. She has always been very active, whether it’s running, cycling, swimming, tennis, wakeboarding, skiing, and or ice skating. She successfully accomplished 10+ half and 5 full marathons, several obstacle races and rode centuries and double centuries on her bicycle. Even though she kept an active lifestyle through pregnancies, after her second child was born she was over 200 lbs and had to reassess her nutrition and workout techniques.
“I incorporate the lessons I learned from my own experience into my training programs. By understanding my client’s background and goals I design customized one-on-one training programs and monitor nutritional and fitness progress. I believe in a well-rounded approach and that an enhanced quality of life is possible through conscious body movement and nutritional balance.”
• Weight loss
• Endurance events
• Functional strength training
• Core stability
• Improved posture and flexibility
You can schedule a free consultation with Mercedes at [email protected] or (425) 647-0613
*October Promotion: Buy 2 sessions get 1 free!
Fast & Furious 4:
his class is designed to maximize your time & effort with 45 second blocks of Cardio, Lower Body, Upper Body, & Core that progress in difficulty. Using the principles of burst training (high intensity interval training) AND resistance training, (the two absolute BEST ways to develop lean muscle, burn more fat, and boost your metabolism) you will PUSH yourself farther than you think possible. Class consists of four blocks of four exercises repeated four times This class is designed for people who are physically and mentally ready and is not recommend for beginners. If you are ready to challenge yourself and ready to get in great shape, this is your class!
Fast & Furious 4 Program Details:
• 4 week small group training (6 max)
• Tuesday and Thursdays 12:30-1:30pm
• $200 members ($240 non-members
Program begins October 17th. Space is limited. Register at the front desk or online to reserve your spot!
First Friday Active Adults Social
The first Friday of each month we will be offering an enhanced coffee & tea service for our adult members following our Active Adults Fitness Class at 1:15pm.
Please join us Friday, October 6th at 1:15pm, in our social area located outside our fitness building.
Kidz Club La Madrona
Pre-K- 5th Grade Enrichment Programs
Home Study ~ After School ~ Half Days
Fall Sessions 2017
Introducing Children’s Enrichment Programs
I am happy to announce that our new enrichment programs are now open for registration. All of our current programs are described below and we plan on adding additional classes throughout the school year that will support School readiness and Self-regulation skills.
Serving members and non members Pre-K, TK, Kindergarten Enrichment, Home study, Afterschool and Half day Wednesdays for grades TK-5th grade.
Early Learning Reading & Literacy: TK-1st grade
This program is perfect for children learning to read for the first time and students with learning disabilities. Students engage in interactive story time while building vocabulary skills, drawing and journaling. Children explore reading, rhyming and singing while building confidence with words. Each session we will be exploring different books adding variety to their literacy diet.
6 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run.
Kidz Club Classroom -Session #1 Mondays 2:30-3:30pm: 9/18/17-10/23/17
Members $78.00/Non Members $94.00
Introduction to Sign Language: 1st -5th grade
Learn to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing citizens in our community!
This class will teach the alphabet and numbers, as well as basic greetings and vocabulary.
Students will learn basic finger spelling and basic conversation skills in fun and interactive ways. Students must be proficient in basic reading and spelling. This is a repeat series.
6 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run.
Kidz Club Classroom - Session #2 Tuesdays 3:30-4:30: 10/3-10/24
Members $52.00/Non Members $63.00
Crafts & Nature Study Time: TK-1st grade
Have fun on half-day Wednesdays learning about nature while engaging in creative crafts and hand on activities. Come join us for this small group session for ages TK - 1st grade. Each session students will learn about nature and a variety of animals and from our Wild Life Rehabilitator and Nature Study Teacher. Students will take home a completed craft each class.
Some animal visits may occur. Please note if your children have any allergies to animals.
6 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run.
Kidz Club Classroom-Session #2 Wednesdays 1:15-2:15pm: 9/13/17-10/18/17
Members $78.00/Non Members $94.00
Crafternoons: TK-1st grade
This class is based on crafting and exploring a variety of mediums. Students work on fine motor skills & spatial awareness while engaging in creative time. Emphasis on colors, numbers, shapes and cooperative crafting. Students will take home a completed craft each class.
6 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run.
Kidz Club Classroom-Session #1 Wednesdays 2:15-3:15pm: 9/13/17-10/18/17
Members $78.00/Non Members $94.00
“Thriller” Dance Class: 4th -5th grade
It’s a thrill to dance! Calling all 4th and 5th graders…Come learn the Thriller Dance. We will break down Michael Jackson’s legendary choreography as we hone our inner zombie just in time for Halloween. Perform at the La Madrona Fall Festival on the lawn for the final class.
12 spaces available per class with a minimum of 3 students for the program to run.
Group Fitness Room- Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 10/4/17-10/25/17 Performance 10/25/17.
Members $52.00/Non Members $63.00
Crafternoons: 1st – 5th grade
After a full day of school, come unwind and make friends while crafting. Students discover their creative side by engaging in quality craft projects and exploring a variety of mediums. Class integrates socialization skills by integrating a cooperative craft project and our small group atmosphere. Students will take home a completed craft each class.
6 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run.
Kidz Club Classroom - Session #1 Thursdays 3:30-4:30: 9/7/17-9/28/17
Members $52.00/Non Members $63.00
Scrap Booking Fun: 1st -5th grade
Putting memories to a page! A fun way to remember your summer as well as show your creativity. Learn spatial organizational skills and graphic layout design as you discover your own artistic style. Students will leave with a completed book.
6 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run.
Kidz Club Classroom Runs 10/5/17-10/26/17
Members $52.00/Non Members $63.00
Pajama Parents Night Out: For ages 3-5 years
Bring your child in pajamas for a fun night of quality care. Children enjoy snack and story time in the clubhouse, indoor/outdoor playtime and a craft in the Kidz Club La Madrona Play Room.
4 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run Saturday October 7th 5:00-7:00pm
Sign up in the clubhouse in the KCLM Program Book by the Sign In Sheets for Kidz Club or email.
Family Pricing per outing: $20/1 child, $35/2 children - Members Only.
Kidz Night Out: For Ages 5+
Calling all kids! Join us for a poolside dinner with crafts and games in the Kidz Club La Madrona Classroom. Bring your own dinner or order at the snack bar (charged to your parents account).
8 spaces available per class with a minimum enrollment of 3 students for the program to run
Saturday, September 30th 5:30-8:30pm and Saturday October 28th 5:30-8:30pm
Sign up in the clubhouse in the KCLM Program Book by the Sign In Sheets for Kidz Club or email.
Family Pricing: $30.00/1 child, $45.00/2 children, $60.00/3 children
Pre K-TK Premium Care
Kidz Club La Madrona Premium Child Care Services:
Fall Session: August 21st – November 17rd
Join anytime ¬-Members Ages 3 -5 years
Your child will enjoy and be engaged in a variety of activities based in creative and developmental play. Kidz Club La Madrona has an indoor playroom filled with games and wooden educational toys to develop fine motor skills and offer many sensorial delights.
More fun and socializing is offered outside within the sand box, sensorial table & Great Outdoors Club House!
Daily Rhythm Includes:
• Creative time
• Interactive story-time,
• Inside developmental playtime
• Outside socialization & playChoose your day(s) Monday through Friday 10:00am-12:00pm:
Groups are Forming Now! Sign up in the clubhouse or via email.
**Space is limited to 6 children with a minimum of 3 students for care program to run**
For more information contact our Director of Child Care Christine Wilkinson
La Madrona Athletic Club at [email protected] 831-438-1072 x 101
Follow us on Facebook!
See pictures of all our fun family events and Kidz Club La Madrona friends.